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Open the Gates for CRM Software by Using These 3 Simple Tips

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How to get the most from your chosen CRM software so you can open the floodgates on valuable customer data and marketing information.

So you’ve decided you’re ready to implement a new CRM system and capture information from your incoming calls. Your client service centre has just taken a quantum leap forward with reference to how much bang you’ll get for your contact centre investment bucks. Get ready to open the dam on valuable data you previously weren’t accessing.

In order to get the most from your software, you’ll need to keep a few key factors in mind. Once you know the way to get the useful, actionable data you need, you’ll be able to create smart goals for your team and start working toward them. With a good CRM software solution, you’ll start accessing real-time information about your incoming calls so you can make new plays on the fly and stay on top of your contact centre’s rush, even when call volume skyrockets.

If you’ve become accustomed to waiting for metrics, you’re like most companies. In fact, Ventana Research discovered that only eight percent of companies have instant or very quick access to vital customer calling data. Fortunately, with a good CRM system, the days of waiting are over. When you’re ready to open the floodgates on the new information made available by smart CRM software, consider these three simple tips to be sure you get the most out of your technology investment.

1. Establish Custom Interfaces With Onboard Templates

Especially when rising call volume is an issue, you need to arm your agents with an easily accessible system that allows for useful customization. Using onboard ticket templates to establish unique forms for various types of service calls or other inquiries will give your agents instant access to the proper form so they can keep call times short and service levels high. Be sure your chosen software gives you flexibility with customization so you can set yourself up for maximum success.

2. Verify Compatibility

You’ll want to be sure that your chosen CRM software solution is compatible with other departments’ systems so you don’t end up trying to solve a company-wide issue while speaking different languages. Verify that IT can work with your chosen system and that you have the ability to upgrade your software regularly to ensure everything keeps working as updates are released.

More importantly, you’ll need a clear trail of breadcrumbs for every customer inquiry in anticipation of future disputes or even litigation. Be sure your system will help you establish a clear audit trail to prevent unexpected difficulty finding information you need down the line.

Finally, you’ll want to be sure you choose a software program that can cooperate with any third-party contact centre support service with which you contract. Take a few extra moments to see what others in your industry say about your software and whether or not it will work with your outside vendors.

3. Call Recording

Be sure your new system has a call recording interface that you like, since getting very familiar with it will be key to improving customer service. Make sure your call recording system gives you clear, useful files that are easily accessible and shareable. You’ll want to incorporate call recordings into your training sessions moving forward so you can emphasize what is and is not working with your current agents’ service delivery.

Putting it in Perspective

The process of choosing a good CRM software system for your contact centre can be overwhelming at times. You’re wise to do your research and think of all the considerations that will determine what option is best for your purposes. If you’re still on the fence about the benefits of CRM software, you can always try outsourcing to a contact centre that does have these capabilities. Once you’ve seen the benefits, you’ll wonder why you hesitated in the first place. For more information on capturing and using valuable contact centre data, download our free white paper.

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