Liveconx blogs about the subject of healthcare customer service.

homecare of old woman

Diagnosing Your Service: Analytics and CRM for Homecare Support

Providing effective home and healthcare service for clients is impossible without the right technology and analytics to back you up.

Before you can help your clients, you need to know your clients.

While gathering client data might seem like a goal because everyone is doing it, not taking the time to ask why you collect it, and how it can be used to reach client satisfaction targets makes it nothing more than a storage problem for your IT resources to manage. Data is useless on its own; its value comes from the insight it gives client service managers. Optimized CRM systems and effective analytics are essential to service managers who want their client service representatives to deliver personalized homecare service that improves the client experience. Read more

Happy senior citizen couple using social media

Socializing Homecare: Client Satisfaction Using Social Media

When it comes to client care, few outreach options can match the accessibility and ease of social media.

Social media has taken the world by storm; why should the healthcare field be any different?

Home and healthcare organizations have already begun utilizing client service centres to provide more efficient care for their clients, but succeeding with these initiatives is often easier said than done. Meeting the needs of homecare clients sometimes requires a different type of outreach than the basic phone and email support that define most client service centres. Read more

Offering a Helping Hand

Diversifying Client Support in your Client Service Centre

Customer service for the healthcare industry may differ from other service industries, but the need for reliable, accessible outreach remains the same.

Client service centres are quickly becoming a competitive differentiator across all industries—including the homecare and healthcare fields. An effective client support centre can provide a seamless service experience that helps build client relationships and improves quality of life. Read more